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Whatsapp Call not Working in Egypt

Whatsapp Call not Working in Egypt? No problem! We know how to help you. Whatsapp call is blocked in Egypt and many other countries due to the country’s restrictions. Luckily this restriction is really simple to bypass. All you need is just hide your IP address and change it to non-Egypt. And this will solve the problem!

You can send messages via Whatsapp but no voice or video calling features. How to unblock Whatsapp in Egypt?

Whatsapp Call not Working – how to Enable it

If you would like to use Whatsapp  or any other voice and video call applications like Skype, IMO, Line, Viber, etc., please follow the next steps:

  1. Get your Silverhanna account (free trial is available)
  2. Set up a secure invisible connection, that will mask your IP address.
  3. Create the encrypted connection from your device following our setup guides (we are always happy to help you)
  4. Connect to European VPN server
  5. Enjoy unlimited voice and video calls in Egypt.

Stay in touch with your family and friends without any restrictions.

Try now for FREE!

We have already written how to unblock Whatsapp in Egypt, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar,  and other places. The solution is the same- mask your IP address with a secure and reliable VPN for Egypt and enjoy your Internet freedom!

Whatsapp call not connecting from Egypt

Whatsapp video call is probably the most desired feature while you are on your vacation. You want to call your family and friends and tell them about your holiday. Unfortunately, in Egypt as well as in many other Arabian countries Whatsapp call is unavailable. The same problem is with WhatsApp group call, WhatsApp call on pc – WhatsApp call not ringing.

Luckily, you can resolve this problem fast and simply with your secure Silverhanna Internet service. Stay free and private during all your trips!

Find out more about Whatsapp in Egypt.