Voice calling services like Whatsapp, Skype, Viber, and many others are blocked in Qatar. If you don’t want to spend a fortune on expensive international calls – just use a secure invisible VPN connection to unblock voip calling in Qatar. This solution works fine for Whatsapp, Viber, Skype, and other services.
3 simple steps to unblock VOIP in Qatar
1. Get your invisible and secure Silverhanna account – TRY FOR FREE.
2. Setup an encrypted secure connection on your device (iPhone and Android, Mac or Windows)
3. Enjoy unlimited voice and video calls in Qatar.

Using invisible Silverhanna connection you can unblock any voice and video calls services in Qatar like Whatsapp call, Viber, Skype, IMO, Tinder, Facebook call and any other.
With Silverhanna your Invertant connection is protected and 100% secure. You can be sure that your Internet activity is not monitored by anyone.
VOIPÂ in Qatar
VoIP is a special technology for the delivery of voice using existing internet infrastructure and services. There are no laws or rules that prohibit the use of VOIP within Qatar.
The Telecommunications Law 34 of 2006 does, however, make it illegal for any person to provide telecommunications services to the public for a direct or indirect fee without a license issued by ictQATAR for that purpose.
Currently the only two entities licensed by ictQATAR to provide such voice services to the public in Qatar are Qatar Telecom (QTel) Q.S.C. and Vodafone Qatar Q.S.C.
In summary, the position on VoIP is:
1. Any person or business within the State of Qatar may use VoIP services for voice calls for their own use; and
2. No person or business within the State of Qatar may sell VoIP calls or services to the public or businesses without a license issued by ictQATAR. The only two companies currently licensed for that purpose are QTel and Vodafone.
ictQATAR is committed to encouraging the availability of the latest technology to Qatari citizens and residents.
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